Degree Courses

Few Things That Nobody Told You About Distance Learning

Distance learning has gained a lot of traction in last few years. Especially with the advancement in the internet and networking technologies, online education now gets facilitated even better. But distance learning is not devoid of challenges. While looking for the online courses, you will get to hear a lot of good things about them. …

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What is the Difference between Distance Learning Programs and Correspondence Programs?

Correspondence education is much like (or a part of) distance education. In this type of program the entire course material is provided to the student via postal mail or email. The students are free to choose the learning pace and how they want to finish the course. Distance education is about the bigger picture. Distance …

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Distance Learning Can Improve Higher Education Literacy Rate in India

Distance learning is enabling people not only in India but also across the globe to increase their educational qualifications. Those people who for various reasons are not able to take up a full time course, can further their studies with the help of distance learning. Many top business schools are now offering higher education in …

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How Distance Learning Programs Can Help Working Person to Enhance Their Professional Skills

In today’s era, the employment sector has become very demanding, requiring professionals to keep up with the changing scenario, while also developing and upgrading their professional skills from time to time. This is why a lot of employees are looking for vocational courses that can help them grow in their career. The distance learning programs …

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5 Reasons Distance Learning will Change the Higher Studies in India

As a breakthrough from traditional class room mode learning, Distance Education has gained immense popularity in India as it has helped millions of students to realise their educational aspiration who have failed to attend campus based full time classes. The medium of open and distance learning has grown exponentially in the last few decades and …

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Why Under-Graduate Students should go for Distance Learning for Their Post-Graduation Programs

Distance education has been in practice for a while. However, the advancements in internet technologies have completely transformed the playing field. Besides opting for professional online courses, more and more people have begun to choose the online programs for their degrees. If you are an under graduate student, you have every reason to consider taking …

Why Under-Graduate Students should go for Distance Learning for Their Post-Graduation Programs Read More »

How You Can Solve the Higher Education Problems with Distance Learning Programs

Distance education, often referred to as distance learning or online education, is a pretty viable choice for students who wish to get higher education. Distance learning can solve the higher education problems in many ways that remain unaddressed by traditional programs. Here is how. It offers More Choices One of the biggest advantages of distance …

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Common Misconceptions about Distance Learning Education

An overwhelmingly large number of students are opting for at least one distance learning program for higher education. The evolution of technology, and particular of the web, has facilitated the online learning and made it more effective than ever. While there are some sceptics that continue to look at the online learning with squinted eyes, …

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5 Quick Tips How to Select Best Distance Learning Programs

Saying that distance learning will overtake traditional learning in the future would be an overstatement. However, it is also true that distance education has become more popular than ever. This has been made possible because of the advancements of the internet and media technologies. Online learning helps the aspiring students bypass the constraints of time, …

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What is the Difference between Traditional Regular Learning vs. Distance Learning?

Traditional learning in the classroom setup has by far dominated the education system for the longest time known. But, ever since the evolution of the web and its accompanying mediums, distance learning is sure gradually catching up. When organized properly, both the traditional form of learning and the distance learning have their own set of …

What is the Difference between Traditional Regular Learning vs. Distance Learning? Read More »

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